Sunday, November 24, 2013

Round 8 Welsh CX, Pembrey

A new course for me, and after a couple of hours driving we finally made it there. I'm convinced there is a quicker way, but we followed the signs anyway.
Pembrey holds fond memories for me as I used to holiday there as a child. That must be over two decades ago though. Oof.
A couple of pictures, and if it works, a video...

 I had a cracking back and forth with the chap from Gower Riders in the burghundy, white and blue for most of the race.
Heading along the crest.
Video of the same, though probably a lap later.
Thanks to the organisers, West Wales Cycle Racing

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Field humour

Spotted whilst on this morning's frosty pedal.

I did smile.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Latest film.

Second out of date film to be shot. A few of my favourites from it.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

More Lisbon Graffiti

I couldn't ignore the other works adorning a nearby warehouse.

Pixel Pancho - Lisbon

Some great graffiti from Italian artist Pixel Pancho in Lisbon.

I wished I had my ultrawide lens with me, but the compact had to do.

Artists Flickr stream here

Friday, November 1, 2013

Is it what it is or what it embodies?

I saw a somewhat tongue-in-cheek video the other day and one of the things it brought up was the idea of a 'coffee-snob'. The thing with snobbery is I always wonder where it begins; is it the true snob, that person who is convinced they are always above everyone else and the snobbery comes from a consumption based arrogance borne out of many years? Or is it the reverse; the belief that because that which is being consumed is out of reach and therefore the consumee is a snob for having? I suppose this could descend into a muse on the economics of society and the post-modern economic crisis but I've not got the energy for that today.
Instead I'll just say I've had a really rather nice cup of Hands-on Coffee's Lusty Glaze Espresso
and you know what, if you enjoy something and search out that enjoyment, it doesn't mean you're a snob just that you might value what you put your time to.  Cup by Vladimir Rachev